+40722 275 483
info [at] csr-bootiq [dot] com

Arhive Our Services Three – CSR Bootiq


We support organizations interested to: implement ISO 26000 clauses and principles, UN Global Compact principles, and SDGs identify, monitor and evaluate key medium- and long-term goals define social investment strategic goals identify and/or formulate adequate KPIs elaborate or upgrade the social responsibility strategy identify strategic topics and formulate a Social Responsibility Program (SRP) in accordance

We work side by side with companies or organizations that need to: adequately map their stakeholders build long-term relationships with local communities gain or update their social license to operate define or update a social dialogue strategy improve the staff-management relationship and the union-management communication.


We can support you: by verifying your sustainability report against the AA1000 standard series and assurance principles recommending, conducting or testing the best stakeholder engagement techniques against best practices issuing an assurance statement that indicates the level of your leadership in non-financial / sustainability reporting

We can support you in calculating the Social Return on Investment or the value of your organization’s impact against the social investment.


Large public interest companies across EU have now a legal obligation to disclose data on their corporate governance as well as qualitative and quantitative information about their non-financial performance. We can support your organization in: assessing your current level of transparency and identifying what additional data is required to make your organization fully compliant prepare

We offer the following training courses: PECB Certified training courses. Pick the one that suits you the best from our PECB portfolio available here. GRI Standards Certified Training Courses. Full details are available here. SROI Practicioner courses (SROI = Social Return on Investment) CSR strategy Specially designed and/or tailored training modules or workshops by request.