GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is an independent, not-for-profit international organisation that has pioneered sustainability/ non-financial reporting since 1997.
GRI works along governments, stock exchanges, market regulators and other relevant stakeholders to create a more conducive environment for transparency and sustainability reporting. Launched in October 2016, the GRI Standards were developed after an open and inclusive multi-stakeholder consultation with all key-players across all industries and sectors. As a sustainability reporting pioneer, GRI supports all organisations that are willing to firstly analyze and then to diminish their negative social and environmental impacts, efforts that translate into economic gains.
Used wisely, GRI Standards are powerful tools for any organization, regardless its size or sector, that is interested in improving its governance, human rights, climate change or community-related performances.
In 2015, the year when we also became the first GRI Certified Training Partner in Romania, CSR BootIQ has joined GRI as a community member. For details on our certified training courses, please check our dedicated webpage.
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PECB is a certification body for persons, management systems, and products on a wide range of international standards. As a global provider of training, examination, audit, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including but not limited to Sustainability, Information Security, IT, Business Continuity, Service Management, Quality Management Systems, Risk & Management, Health, Safety, and Environment.
PECB help professionals and organizations to show commitment and competence with internationally recognized standards by providing this assurance through the education, evaluation and certification against rigorous, internationally recognized competence requirements. PECB’s mission is to provide its clients comprehensive services that inspire trust, continual improvement, demonstrate recognition, and benefit society as a whole.
PECB is accredited by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) under ISO/IEC 17024, Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons, under ISO/IEC 17021, general requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems, and under ISO/IEC 17065, requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services.
PECB is present in more than 150 countries worldwide, through its network of representatives, partners, trainers, auditors, assessors and professionals. Its accreditation, wide range of services covering multiple fields, and the success of PECB certified organizations and professionals are your path towards international recognition.
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CDP (former Carbon Disclosure Project) (formerly known as Carbon Disclosure Project) is an international, not-for-profit organisation providing the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information. CDP works with all market forces, including 822 institutional investors with assets of US$95 trillion, to motivate companies to disclose their impacts on the environment and natural resources and take action to reduce them.
Through CDP, cities around the world are measuring, monitoring and managing their impact on the environment. Over the past five years, CDP has worked with over 300 cities to manage over 1.67 billion metric tones of greenhouse gas emissions. CDP’s cities programme demonstrates that cities are better managing their risk and increasing resiliency through more than 4,800 activities to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
CPD holds the largest collection globally of primary climate change, water and forest risk commodities information and puts these insights at the heart of strategic business, investment and policy decisions.
CSR BootIQ is a CDP partner for Romania since 2015. The partnership has been extended until 2019.
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AccountAbility is the organisation that has developed AA1000 standard Series, a practical and easy to use framework for organizations’ to apply the Guiding Principles of AccountAbility along with robust sustainability assurance and integrated stakeholder engagement.
In order to operate with the AA1000 Series, assurance providers must be licensed by AccountAbility. Moreover, AA recommends that the team providing assurance services is lead by or operates with at least one Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner who is accountable for the assurance process and for the content of the assurance statement..
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In October 2017, CSR BootIQ has become a CDP Accredited Provider and a Silver Education and Training Partner to provide consultancy services to the organisations willing to utilise this platform for environmental impact reporting. .
This position calls us to manage the CDP Climate Change program in Romania and to work with those companies interested in measuring and reducing their environmental footprint or in using the CDP platform for reporting on resource consumption and environmental impact data.
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To facilitate the access of FIC member companies to professional training programmes on non-financial reporting (GRI certified training), the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) has partnered with CSR BootIQ in October 2015.
FIC is a not-for-profit organisation that cooperates with the authorities in Romania. FIC’s main objective is to promote sustainable economic growth by improving Romania’s investment landscape. FIC members strongly believe that the path to sustainable growth lies in public policies shaped through a transparent dialogue between the business community and policy makers. FIC is interested in a constructive dialogue, and efficient and transparent consultation with public authorities.
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As of 21st of July 2015, CSR BootIQ is an exclusive partner for Romania and the Republic of Moldova of the Council for Responsible Sport (CRS).
CRS’ mission is to provide objective, independent verification of the socially and environmentally responsible work event organisers are doing, and to actively support event organisers who strive to make a difference in their communities.
Based on this partnership, CSR BootIQ will provide and facilitate CSR Certification in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, working directly with event organisers and sponsors to support their pursuit of CRS Certification.
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Publica is the publishing house specialised in contemporary non-fiction books: business, social sciences, biographies and creative non-fiction.
Besides the collections of entrepreneurship, economics and science, Publica has two imprints: VICTORIA BOOKS – which brings together autobiographies and biographies of prominent figures in sports, music, film, politics and the culinary world, and NARATOR – the creative non-fiction collection that gathers the works of the most talented contemporary writers.